Easy Steak In
EasySteak Wit & Wit Out
CloseEasySteak Wit Out £10.50
for Two £ 16
EasySteak Wit Ketchup £13.50
for Two £20
for two One Wit Out Ketchup £19
EasySteak Wit Gravy £14.50
for Two £22
for two One Wit Out Gravy £20
EasySteak 1 Wit Ketchup and 1 with Gravy
for Two £21
CheeseSteak EasySteak Wit & Wit Out
CheeseSteak EasySteak
CloseCheeseSteak EasySteak Wit Out £11
for Two £ 17
for two One Wit Out Cheese £ 16.50
CheeseSteak EasySteak Wit Ketchup £14
for Two £21
for two One Wit Out Cheese £ 20.50
for two One Wit Out Ketchup £20
for two One Wit Out Cheese and Ketchup £19.50
CheeseSteak EasySteak Wit Gravy £15
for Two £22
for two One Wit Out Cheese £ 21.50
for two One Wit Out Gravy £21
for two One Wit Out Cheese and Gravy £ 20.50
CheeseSteak EasySteak 1 Wit Ketchup and 1 Wit Gravy
for Two £22
CheeseSteak EasySteak 1 Wit Ketchup and 1 Wit Gravy 1 Wit Out Cheese
for Two £21.50
Bacon EasySteak Wit & Wit Out
Bacon EasySteak
CloseBacon EasySteak Wit Out £14.50
for two £22
for two One Wit Out Bacon £ 20
Bacon EasySteak Wit Ketchup £15.50
for two £24
for two One Wit Out Ketchup £23
for two One Wit Out Ketchup and Bacon £21
Bacon EasySteak Wit Gravy £16.50
for two £26
for two One Wit Out Gravy £24
for two One Wit Out Gravy and Bacon £22
Bacon EasySteak 1 Wit Ketchup and 1 Wit Gravy
for two £25
Bacon EasySteak 1 Wit Ketchup and 1 Wit Gravy 1 Wit Out Bacon
for two £23
Bacon CheeseSteak EasySteak Wit & Wit Out
Bacon CheeseSteak EasySteak
CloseBacon CheeseSteak EasySteak Wit Out £15
for two £23
for two One Wit Out Cheese £ 22.50
for two One Wit Out Bacon £21
for two One Wit Out Bacon and Cheese £ 20.50
Bacon CheeseSteak EasySteak Wit Ketchup £18
for two £25
for two One Wit Out Cheese £ 24.50
for two One Wit Out Bacon £ 23
for two One Wit Out Ketchup £24
for two One Wit Out Bacon Cheese and Ketchup £21.50
Bacon CheeseSteak EasySteak Wit Gravy £17
for two £27
for two One Wit Out Cheese £ 26.50
for two One Wit Out Bacon £ 25
for two One Wit Out Gravy £25
for two One Wit Out Bacon Cheese and Gravy £ 22.50
Bacon CheeseSteak EasySteak 1 Wit Ketchup and 1 Wit Gravy
for two £26
Bacon CheeseSteak EasySteak 1 Wit Ketchup and 1 Wit Gravy 1 Wit Out Cheese
for two £25.50
Corn Muffins Cans & Tea
Corn Muffins Cans & Tea
Corn £3
Corn & Butter £4
Muffin & Chocolate £4
Cans £3
Tea £3